Saturday, September 19, 2020

The New York City Directory

The New York Directory, published during the years 1786 and 1787, was the second existing directory for Manhattan and New York City. It contained 846 names, the number of people living in the city at that time. The original name of this directory, the New-York Directory or the New-Jersey Directory, is believed to have come from the Old German phrase, "Niederwasser," which means "New-to-the-city"New-to-the-area." It was first printed and distributed by an itinerant printer, George Freiberg, a German immigrant, who also happened to be an officer of the New York state Assembly.

The New York City Directory contained records on people who were registered to vote. It included names of the voters, addresses, names of landlords and other real estate administrators, telephone numbers and more. This was probably done with the intent of assisting the landlord's office by making it easier for them to obtain the information they needed. This is exactly what occurred in the New York landlord's office. This was also the reason for the use of this directory as well as the names of the owners of real estate in Manhattan and New York.

The list of names of people who owned real estate and other land was arranged according to their addresses. The names were printed in chronological order, with the latest address at the top. This was done because many people moved from one area to another at various times. This was how the landlord's office was able to keep up with the changes in population and property ownership.

The most important function of the New York City Directory was in the recording and organizing of the land surveys and assessments in Manhattan. For example, the surveyor would be able to record the name and address of the owner of a piece of land, a lot, block, section, or any other piece of land. At the same time, this document would contain the title of the person recorded as the owner of that property. Thus, if the surveyor had to go to another location to collect the records of another landowner, it would be easier to use this copy of the property records in New York City in order to get the necessary data.

As the population of the city grew, it was necessary for the New York City Directory to be updated frequently. In order to do this, the name, address and telephone number of the owner of a piece of land, a lot, block, or other piece of land would need to be recorded in this document. This made the information available to the public, which in turn was the desire of the landlords' office.

This was the main purpose of the New York City Directory when it was first published. As time passed, it was expanded to include other forms of information and eventually the number of people living in New York City, the age, sex, occupation, and marital status, and more.

The New York City Directory had been created to be helpful for the people living in New York City. As people grew in number, it was necessary for the New York City Directory to be expanded so that it could be used as an aid to the new residents. However, there were people in the city, particularly the immigrants, who were looking for help and assistance in identifying the right place to find their home. As a result, these records were also included in the New York City Directory in order to make it more useful to the newcomers.

This was a service that was given free of charge. As time went on, the New York City Directory was expanding to include some additional types of information that was beneficial to the newcomers and was also more helpful to those that were already living in the city. With the help of the New York City Directory you will be able to identify the right location for your home or apartment.

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